วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

If you have an Oregon LLC - Don_t this error

If you give me five minutes to explain how to avoid a serious mistake, I see many owners do not Oregon, LLC. You try a limited liability company (LLC) organized presentation of the goods are Secretary of State. However, Oregon is not well organized and properly to terminate the entire Oregon LLC. Will ensure that they are in danger of losing the property you will be the first to Oregon, LLC place.I know, because I problem.Setting try to solve one of the callers often have Oregon LLC, is an important multi-step process. It is not difficult, but every step is necessary. One could say that they are small, but first I wanted to find out how the attorney for the safety of the CITES Oregon LLC, Oregon, LLC, the owner works.When usually follow people too. Because they know that small businesses served, LLC does not have sufficient resources to pursue a legal battle to individuals and their personal property also.You Protect your personal assets if you organize their competence, LLC and as an independent legal person under the law of Oregon can be operated to demonstrate to pay. This will protect you as a company with limited liability. This is the law for a long time, the protection of personal data of judgments against the company. Oregon, to protect companies protection for your home, vehicles, pensions, savings, recreational vehicles and other judgments against employees of the company. This security is the main reason most of the Oregon Business Lawyers LLC, to run their businesses and small businesses. However, this protection is not automatic. LLC, storage and handling. Otherwise liability.We to employees in a society where many people are willing to be in court to open living continue to decline, and a hat a crazy state of Oregon is no exception. Unfortunately, if you are an easy target. One reason could be a disgruntled customer who is injured, a former competitor or dissatisfied with the employee representatives are stupid. Regardless of the source, the result can be disastrous for you. And do not make the mistake of thinking that can happen. Believe me, you can. I've seen. It is very easy to set up in Oregon, LLC, to conduct a much stronger position to protect their personal property site. To ensure that the appropriate arrangement, LLC to answer, just six questions. If you answered yes to all these questions are not yet complete: Yes _ No _ article is about the organization of the Oregon Secretary of State for the of all shareholders and holders of Oregon, LLC filed, signed an agreement to work? All members or holders of Oregon LLC has signed an agreement with the actions, LLC signed in Oregon? _ Do you have a written documentation of the percentage of participation (or the ratio of exchange between the members of the LLC )?_ Do you have a written documentation of the percentage of participation (or the exchange ratio) _ LLC, members created a new bank account as a separate entity, LLC, State of Oregon right? Each step is important to determine the organization of the LLC and has a separate legal entity. This gives the right to protect the Oregon Limited Liability Companies Act, LLC

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